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Branding: Tailor Your Approach to Enhance Loyalty and Trust

Make your mark by customizing your software interfaces to match your brand. With personalized invitations and agent files featuring your logo, you boost customer loyalty and trust. You can tweak titles, icons, subdomains, and even set up a personal domain for a one-of-a-kind experience.
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Agent App Branding

Our remote desktop service's branding feature allows you to customize the software interfaces to reflect your corporate identity seamlessly.

By providing your customers with invitations and agent files featuring your company’s logo and name, you enhance loyalty and foster trust in the software they use.

Title: Filename displayed up to 30 characters in various locations including program window header, tray context menu, desktop shortcut, and browser connection page header.
Icon: Learn how to create a .ico file using tools like favicon.io and understand its various display locations, including the downloaded file icon, taskbar tray, and browser favicon.
Process Name: All distribution files downloaded from your personal account will feature a branded appearance, with your brand name included in the agent program's title.

Your Admin Contacts

Configure individual contacts for the "Contact admin" button, which appears when an agent connection begins. You can provide a link to a page on your website and even include specific device data directly in the GET parameters during the connection.

This feature gives your brand awesome personalization options, letting you customize experiences based on individual customer preferences. Plus, it boosts your lead capture abilities, helping you gather valuable info and insights about potential customers, which ultimately builds stronger connections and drives engagement.

Custom Link

Create custom connection links featuring your name on getscreen.me, allowing for a more personalized user experience. Additionally, learn the step-by-step process to configure a personal domain using CNAME. This useful feature not only boosts your brand but also makes your agent program more accessible and professional, making it easier for clients to reach out to you.



Create custom connection links (3-25 Latin characters) for quick access in the agent program and permanent link settings in your personal account.


Personal Domain (CNAME)

Learn how to configure your domain's DNS server and personal account to use a custom domain with this guide on setting up a personal CNAME.

Full Instruction here

Branded Invitation for Connection

When you invite a client for a one-time quick connection, the link generated in the invitation window opens a branded page tailored specifically for your business.

This dedicated page contains a clear and concise message inviting the client to initiate a remote access session to their computer.

The invitation page features your logo and name of a remote support team member, ensuring that the client feels a sense of familiarity and trust.

Embedded Widget on Your Website

Use Embedded Widget to Start Remote Sessions From Your Favorite Webpage

Our Customer Widget is an easy-to-integrate HTML snippet that can be swiftly added to your website or blog. It enables your customers to initiate a remote support session quickly and without hassle, providing them with a sense of security while interacting with remote support.

Embed Code

White-Label API Integration

Every business has unique processes, which may require custom integrations to work smoothly with other systems.

If you want to fully customize your client experience, our Custom API offers complete control over features and capabilities. With this option, you can adjust the integration to meet your specific needs and streamline your workflow.

You can create custom plugins for various platforms using the HTTP API. We offer assistance and may even provide funding for your plugin development, featuring it on our website.

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Essential Resources for Branding Features

Branding User Guide

Discover the Branding User Guide to learn how to effectively establish and manage your brand identity. Access step-by-step instructions and tips to enhance your branding strategy.
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10 min

What is CNAME and how to set it up

Learn about CNAME records and discover how to set them up effectively in this informative guide. Perfect for beginners and those looking to enhance their domain management skills.
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10 min

Why Is Branding So Important?

Discover the significance of branding and how it shapes perceptions, builds trust, and drives business success. Learn why a strong brand identity is essential in today's competitive market.
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10 min

Why It's Important to Use a Corporate Email Address?

Discover the significance of using a corporate email address for your business. Learn how it enhances professionalism, builds trust, and improves communication in the workplace.
Find Out
10 min
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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

What is branding in Getscreen.me and why is it important?
Branding in Getscreen.me allows you to customize the user interface with your company’s logo, colors, and domain. This helps create a professional appearance, builds trust, and strengthens customer loyalty during remote support sessions.
How do I customize the invitation emails and connection pages with my brand?
You can easily add your company’s logo and name to the invitation emails and connection pages by accessing the branding settings in your personal account. This ensures your clients see your branding during every interaction.
What is CNAME, and how do I set it up for my company?
CNAME (Canonical Name) allows you to use your custom domain (e.g., support.yourcompany.com) for remote support sessions. To set it up, follow the steps in the branding section to configure your domain’s DNS server.
Can I customize the icons and program names in Getscreen.me?
Yes, you can create a custom icon and program name that will appear in various locations, such as the program window header, desktop shortcuts, and browser tabs. Instructions for creating .ico files and setting the program name can be found in the branding settings.
Can I use my own subdomain for remote sessions?
Yes, you can create a custom subdomain (e.g., company.getscreen.me) for quick access to remote sessions. This can be configured in the branding settings under the subdomain section.
Is there support for multi-language branding?
Yes, Getscreen.me supports multi-language branding. You can set different language options for clients in different regions, providing a more localized and familiar experience.
How does branding improve my clients’ experience with remote support?
By incorporating your brand into the remote support experience, clients feel more connected and confident in the service. A branded interface reinforces professionalism and consistency in your company’s communication.
Does branding affect the security of my remote support sessions?
No, branding is purely aesthetic and does not affect the security of your sessions. All security measures, such as encryption and data protection, remain intact regardless of branding customizations.