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Frequently Asked Questions

Find the answer to your question in the list of frequently asked questions.
Feel free to ask your question if you didn't find the answer.
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How do I change the number of devices or users in my plan?

Go to: Account → Rate Plan → Subscription → Change the Service Plan

If you encounter any issues, please contact our support team.

Note: If you are on an archived tariff plan, you cannot make changes to it. You must cancel your current subscription and switch to a new plan. You can explore our current plans on the pricing page.

How can I change my payment method?

You can change your payment method through your account: Account → Rate Plan → Subscription Management — Add a new payment method

Alternatively, use this link to change your payment method directly: https://{{host}}/dashboard/payment/portal

How do I get trial access?
  • 注册的时候:通过链接然后选择 «为了商务»。
  • 如果您已经有一个帐户,并且没有激活试用访问权限:通过https://{{host}}/zh/plan/地址,然后选择Enterprise → 试验订阅


How do I cancel my subscription?

Go to: Account → Rate Plan → Subscription Management → Cancel Subscription

Alternatively, you can use this link: https://{{host}}/panel/account/payment

Why is my card being declined when I try to make a payment?
  • Insufficient funds. Check your account balance to ensure you have enough funds.
  • Billing address required. In some countries, you must provide a billing address (especially ZIP/postal code and address).
  • Multiple attempts in a short period. Your bank may block repeated payment attempts. Try again later or use a different payment method.
  • Issuing bank declined the payment. We recommend contacting your bank for more information.